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Thông báo đấu thầu

Vietsovpetro hereby would like to invite all capable bidders to participate the Bidding for this package.

Interested bidders can buy Invitation for Bid with non-refundable cost of VND 500,000/set (in words: five hundred thousand Vietnamese Dong Vietnam dong/set).

Payment for Invitation for Bid shall be made by Telegraphic Transfer to the following Vietsovpetro's account:

Beneficiary: Vietsovpetro

Vietcombank, Vung Tau Branch

Please indicate: Bidder's name, payment for Biding documents - ITB DV-0201/25-KB

  • Place of Invitation for Bid issue:

    Commercial Department of Vietsovpetro.

    Add.: 105 LeLoi St., Vung Tau City, S.R. Viet Nam

    Fax: 84-254-839857, Tel. 84-254-839871/838662 (Ext. 2448)


    Bid proposal shall be opened publicly at Vietsovpetro's office, No.105 Le Loi St., Vung Tau City within a haft hour after bid closing time and all bidders are invited to participate in the Bid opening at this time.
Thời gian bán HSMT từ : 21/02/2025 9:00:00 SA đến 17/03/2025 9:00:00 SA
Giá hồ sơ: 500000
Người liên hệ: huynq.hq-2448
Hình thức đấu thầu: DTRRQT
Thời gian đóng thầu: 17/03/2025 9:00:00 SA
Thời gian mở thầu: 17/03/2025 9:30:00 SA
Đơn vị mời thầu: Bộ máy điều hành